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Are Desk Shields Effective for Teachers and Students Against COVID-19

Classroom desk privacy shields are becoming more common in everyday settings such as offices, doctors, dentists, and within the school districts. From elementary to high school even universities are incorporating desk privacy shields to protect students and teachers against the novel coronavirus. But are desk shields effective for teachers and students against COVID-19?

The Effective Way to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19 with Desk Shields for Students

From managing the air flow in the classroom to using desk shields, experts claim that there are many effective ways to reduce the spread of COVID-19 using plastic shields. Incorporating personal protective equipment such as a classroom desk privacy shield can help shift the route of particles that contain the virus. Using desk shields for students can help slow the spread between students and school staff.

Using a protective screen alongside with social distancing protocols significantly reduces transmission protecting both students and teachers. Desk shields effective for teachers and students may be a costly measure, but they reap incredible benefits.

Including classroom desk privacy shields, whether in a classroom setting or in the lunch hall where students remove masks to eat, can make a huge difference in stopping the spread. The use of desk shields for students with face masks and social distancing could greatly enhance the safety of the students, teachers, and school staff.

Protecting Teachers and Students with Classroom Desk Privacy Shields

So, are desk shields effective for teachers and students? The answer is YES! If you are a parent considering putting your kids in a classroom setting, we recommend purchasing your own classroom desk privacy shield for your child. This can help you send your kids to school with confidence knowing that your child is safely socially distancing, hand washing often, has all the right protection from coronavirus, and is getting an in-person learning environment.

We also have custom face masks so students, and teachers can find fun and stylish outfit ideas with face masks. For younger students attending elementary school our mask and pouch combo is perfect. The face mask pouch comes with a carbineer to attach to any bag or belt loop to ensure your little one’s face mask makes it back home after a long day at school.

Finding desk shields effective for teachers and students is made easy at Tassel Depot. We have portable desk shields perfect for students to carry from classroom to classroom. The tri-fold protective desk shield makes for easy assembly and transportation in-between classes.

If you have any questions regarding any of our personal protective equipment against COVID-19 feel free to give us a call at 654-698-0000 or email to [email protected]

Additional Reading: 

Tips on How to Keep Glasses from Fogging Up with a Mask

Dos and Don’ts of Wearing a Face Mask

;The Best Way to Protect Against the Coronavirus is to Wear These Essentials