Tips For First Year College Students
Posted by on 7/30/2021 to
High school graduation has come and gone. You’ve stored away your high school graduation cap and gown, placed your diploma in a safe diploma cover, and now can begin to look ahead to a new chapter in your life.
Preparing Yourself for Senior Year of High School
Posted by on 7/30/2021 to
Senior year of high school is an exciting, transformative year, with employment or college applications on the horizon. While many have heard the term senioritis, and while the phenomenon may occur for you, it is important to remember that senior year will not be a cakewalk.
The Meaning Behind Different Graduation Robes
Posted by on 7/30/2021 to
If you have ever been a part of a graduation ceremony, attended somebody else's, or seen one on television or in the movies, the first thing that stood out was most likely the attire. Graduation robes are special items of clothing that you don’t really see anywhere else. While most student graduation robes are relatively similar, you may have wondered why some students and faculty wear different graduation robes than others.