Posted by Roger Leavy on 4/20/2007 to
Do you need a Graduation Cap Tassel or Honor Cord for Graduation 2007? It's never too late to order from Tassel Depot!!!
Tassel Depot has many Adult Graduation Tassels, Bling Graduation Tassels and Honor Cords in stock. Tassel Depot also carries Kinder Grad Tassels, and Key Ring Tassels. They can custom manufacture any color combinations that you need in just a day or two.
In fact, Brandi ordered her tassel just 2 days ago.

Doesn't she look great? She went to Tassel Depot's Online Graduation Store and placed her order.
If she could talk she would have barked 1-888-TASSEL1 (1-888-827-7351).