When a student ends high school and is about to enter college, they could begin to feel many different conflicting emotions. Some of these emotions are due to incoming students being exposed to some of the most popular myths about college. In the following article, Tassel Depot will explore some of the most popular myths that we notice and discuss how reliable they are. If you or a loved one is about to graduate high school and has been accepted into a university, you will need to know what to expect come the first day of classes. Continue reading below to learn more about some facts about going to college and the biggest myths in education.
Most Popular College Myths
Some of the most popular myths about college that our staff notices are the ones that state that the only important thing about college and schooling is grades. There are many more important things that come with the college experience not reflected in a student’s grades. College is one of the only places where you can meet and network with people who are both like-minded and in the same age group as you. The connections that you form in clubs, sports teams, or in your dorms will likely create the backbone of your professional connections. While grades and academic performance are certainly important, they should not be the sole focus of college students. College students should also make an effort to network with their peers because this greatly increases the chances that they enter the workforce sooner. Another popular college myth is that poor performance matters on exams because of how much extra credit there will be throughout the semester. This is entirely false. College exams make up the lion’s share of a student’s final grades. While there is extra credit available throughout the semester, this should not replace the hours that you will need to spend studying to pass exams. In fact, most extra credit opportunities are discussed on the first day of class, meaning there will be no “surprise” extra credit if your grades are too low by the end of the semester.
Is College Hard?
What is college life like, and is college hard? This question is difficult because the answer is dependent on many factors, including the major that the student chooses to enroll in. However, no matter the major that someone is in, one of the most difficult parts about college is trying to not get distracted and stay focused on studies. Another aspect of the college experience that often gets overlooked is dealing with homesickness. This could make it difficult to adapt at first but should ultimately be easier as time goes on.
More About Tassel Depot
Tassel Depot is one of the top producers of decorative tassels for a party, holiday tassels, event loops, beaded graduation caps for sale, and graduation caps for sale on the market. Contact us today to learn more about what we could offer you today.