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While making those last minute decisions and studying for finals, it is important to remember your Graduation Day ensemble.

The dedication you provided with the stress of exams, 10-page papers, and several all-nighters, graduation day is an exciting celebratory finish for all of your hard work. It is important to make sure that you are prepared for commencement day.

First, know what you are going to wear under your robe. Many people assume that what is under your cap and gown doesn’t matter because of the robe covering it, but wearing something underneath is important because:

• You may not have time to change, and

• Pockets come in handy because your gown won’t have any

Second – while the main part of your outfit people will see is your gown, everyone can still see your shoes. Find a dressy pair of shoes that will give a “wow” factor to your gown. High stilettos for ladies is not the best option, as you may need to walk long distances or upstairs to the podium; however, this is an elegant affair so wear something fancier than sandals.

Don’t forget to accessorize for graduation day! While limited on what people can see: hair, makeup, shoes and jewelry are the few things that can help enhance your special day. Try adding a spirit bracelet to your outfit to show off your involvement in a club and/or team, or your school spirit with one made of your schools’ colors.

Spirit bracelets also make wonderful graduation gifts for parents and gifts for graduates. They come in hundreds of color combinations and are only $3.00!