How to Pick Bridesmaids
Posted by on 9/26/2022 to
When planning a wedding, it can be difficult to manage all the different aspects, from decorations to wedding party size. It can snowball into a challenge if you do not stay on top of things. Another point to keep in mind, if you are a bride, is
How to Plan a Birthday Party Like a Pro
Posted by on 8/29/2022 to
Whether you are setting up a birthday party for yourself or for somebody you care about, the process can become a bit confusing if you have never had to consider how to plan a birthday party. Thankfully, the team at Tassel Depot , expert
When to Buy Wedding Décor
Posted by on 8/29/2022 to
Weddings can be tough to plan. It is best to do everything ahead of time to ensure that you’ve got everything you’re going to need when the big day is on the horizon. But how long does it take to plan a wedding and to go out and get the necessary
Event and Holiday Tassels for Your Home
Posted by on 8/29/2022 to
Decorating a house for Halloween, Christmas, graduation, or any other event or holiday by making use of specialized events and holiday tassels is a great way to make your home perfect for that time of year. Tassel Depot , providers of
How Tassel Colors Change Based on Your Degree
Posted by on 8/29/2022 to
Since the first time anyone graduates, which could be as early as nursery school, they are adorned with the traditional graduation wear, each of which is fashioned with colorful tassels. But when students are graduating from colleges and
Program Tassels
Posted by on 7/28/2022 to
One of the most memorable parts of a graduation ceremony or special event is the program that accompanies it. This physical copy serves as a souvenir of the event, which is likely to be one of the most memorable in someone’s
Why Continuing Education Is Important
Posted by on 7/28/2022 to
By the time high school graduates finish their studies, it is only normal that they feel exhausted or bored with their schooling. Many will begin to wonder whether it is important or worth it to continue their education. Tassel Depot is
Going to College Myths vs. Reality
Posted by on 7/28/2022 to
When a student ends high school and is about to enter college, they could begin to feel many different conflicting emotions. Some of these emotions are due to incoming students being exposed to some of the most popular myths about
Tips on How to Choose a Major for College
Posted by on 7/28/2022 to
While high school graduation is certainly an event that calls for plenty of excitement, it could also be one of the most stressful events of someone’s life. High school marks the end of organized schooling in place of one that calls for
The Many Uses for Tassels
Posted by on 6/24/2022 to
There are many uses for tassels to stand out in your daily life or for special events! Tassel Depot goes over some of the most common ones. Learn more here.
Time Tested Wedding Symbols
Posted by on 6/24/2022 to
Wedding symbols are present through time and in cultures all around the world. Tassel Depot investigates some of the most common today! Read more here.
How to Be the Perfect Party Planner
Posted by on 6/24/2022 to
Looking to be the perfect party planner next time you’re celebrating an event? The Tassel Depot team’s insights may be of some help! Read more here.
Amazing 4th of July Decorations to Make a Splash!
Posted by on 6/23/2022 to
July is a month filled with so much to celebrate. Between amazing weather, time off from school, and American Independence Day, there is no shortage of fun to be had. When it comes to Independence Day, getting the perfect 4th of July
Event Décor Assisted by Tassel Depot
Posted by on 5/26/2022 to
When the holidays or a special event roll around, it is perfectly natural to start wondering how to make the celebrations this year better than the ones from any year past. Event décor is bound to pop into your mind as one of the quickest
How Pride Clothing Helps the LGBT Community
Posted by on 5/26/2022 to
The month of June is one that is not only known for great weather but also a time of year where you see a lot more rainbow pride clothing, parades celebrating the LGBT community, and moments for remembrance of the injustices suffered by that
Interesting Tassels Decoration Ideas to Stand Out
Posted by on 5/26/2022 to
Tassels decoration ideas seem to be limited at first glance. You might see them as something reserved for wedding or graduation party supplies, but what if we were to say that there are actually many other ways to use these amazing accessories in
What is a Valedictorian?
Posted by on 5/26/2022 to
What is a valedictorian and how can you become one? Tassel Depot explains it all here for those looking to receive the honor! Continue reading to learn more.
Best Ways to Stay Organized in School
Posted by on 4/27/2022 to
There are many ways to improve performance in school. Whether it's having a better studying routine or making a game out of learning new concepts - these are both great ways to improve performance.
The History of Mascots
Posted by on 4/27/2022 to
Mascots for high schools, universities, and sports teams are a staple of several cultures and are a look into the personality and character of the area or people that the mascot is meant to represent. The history of mascots is a long one that
Best Graduation Invites for Ceremonies and Parties
Posted by on 3/23/2022 to
Knowing who to invite to a grad party and ceremony can be just as difficult as deciding which clothes to wear under robes and what to do when you’re expecting unusual weather during graduation season. Luckily Tassel Depot , providers of
Easter Home Décor Ideas to Make Your Holiday a Hit
Posted by on 3/23/2022 to
Home Easter décor is an amazing way to not only show the spirit in your home, but also is a great way to bring the entire family together during the holidays! Getting the right Easter home decorations can be tough. If this is your first time
How to Join a Club at School?
Posted by on 3/23/2022 to
Different types of student organizations offer access to not only a greater wealth of knowledge in fields that you are interested in, but they are also a great place to meet like-minded people who turn into lifelong friends. These clubs are
Some Great Graduation Stole Ideas
Posted by on 3/23/2022 to
Some Great Graduation Stole Ideas Graduation stoles can be so much more than an extra accessory to your outfit during a ceremony, they can be turned into a form of expression that shows the world what you love and who you are. Tassel Depot,
Need Some St. Patrick’s Day Home Decorations Ideas?
Posted by on 2/24/2022 to
St. Patrick’s Day home decorations are a great way to show your love for the holiday! Tassel Depot gives some ideas for festive décor here.
What Is the Meaning Behind the Graduation Owl?
Posted by on 2/24/2022 to
The graduation owl is a time-honored tradition of graduation ceremonies. But what does it mean? Continue reading to learn more.